Ken was trying to figure out the differences in the metabolism of that wild soul and Zorander, he tried his best to find something alternative to it then an idea came up in Zorander mind.

"I think you should put the men's hair in your formula, this works on that soul," Zoramder replied hesitantly as he was not sure about it but had a strong feeling of this idea.

"Maybe, you are right, I think we should try this," Ken replied while running toward the room, he fastly mixed up the whole composition, the thing was a little different this time. The liquid changed its color and turned purple.

"It's looking a little different." Ken said while observing the color difference.

He took great care of that solution and with precision mixed up all the ingredients. As the solution was ready he went to Diana. At this time he was pretty confused about his abilities but after collecting courage he put this liquid inside Diana's mouth.