It was late at night, Ken wanted to make the feed for Zorander without discussing it with anyone, he thought he can act like everything is normal.

Zorander helped him in disappearing by muttering a spell, Ken became invisible to the cameras or lights. Carl was in his control room spying on everyone.

  ' I never saw you enjoying like this, my work took your normal life from you.' Carl talked to himself, after some time he saw some movement in the corridor.

There was something moving in the corridor that made the appearance blurred from where it passed but Carl didn't figure out what it was, ordered his guards to go and check.

Ken didn't know where to go, wandered here and there to find a laboratory. Zorander helped him in seeking inside one by one in each room but all in vain.

The group of special guards came running into the hallway to find who was there Carl sensed in cameras.