Dark shadows surrounded half of their planet, there were no signs of life at that place, the remaining humans were protected by The Skull.

All the trees were dried, no birds or animals were seen. The curse of that horrible creature ate away the values of living creatures on that planet.

No one can dare to cross the shadows but Jojo the witch whose curse was erased by Hellen, got some visions to visit that place.

A force was calling her to cross those shadows, it was the black magic in her mana that seduced her to be evil.

Shadows surrounded the whole place, Jojo was scared to see the environment but curious as well to discover what is on the other side, as it was a horrible place.

She took a step near those shadows, nothing happened, Jojo took a deep breath and wondered with the vastness of that dark matter.

Suddenly a wagging tail came out of it, wrapped her body, and grabbed inside.