Julia was trying to save Billy's life, Billy lost his one hand in the war and he was not capable of fighting anymore.

"You have to go and save your life, Carl didn't put the lives of people inside this building in danger just because of me. If you slow down because of me some of these creatures may attack you too." Billy said while looking in her eyes.

Julia found him hopeless but she was not ready to leave him on the main gate to die. Decided to find someone for help.

There was a man from a magician's group, he was busy controlling some soldiers of his group from fighting. "Hold on there! I will come back with help." Hellen said while running toward the magician.

"I can't go anywhere, my arm is injured," Billy replied while smiling.

"You will be alright…" Julia replied while staring at him.

"What happened? Did you wanna say something?" Billy asked worriedly.