Ken was pretty alright after he crossed the shadow wall. " These dark shadows didn't affect you? Hah! It means you are also one of us." Paul asked with a smirk on his face.

Ken didn't feel anything at the spot, "I am not one from you." I am a wizard of magic, who came to stop you and your master." 

"Oh no, it doesn't seem like you can stop him. I am just his slave and you spent most of your time trying to stop me." Paul shouted creepily, he was trying to decrease  Ken's self-confidence.

"In reality you are afraid of me because you know I can kill you and after this your master," Ken replied with a decent smile on his face, his hair covering his half-face as he did not share about his dialogue.

Paul was confused to see Ken so confident even after facing such hurdles."You are still thinking you can?" Paul replied while staring at him.

"You killed her!" Ken shouted in grief, tears were shedding out of her eyes.