Destructive Heavenly Tribulations (2)

As Azaroth sensed multiple people coming towards his location, he knew that the situation was going to turn very complicated.

Especially if Sophie met Noah, Laura, and others.

It was one thing for him to inform her about Laura and others, but it was quite another for her to discover the information on her own.

She wouldn't listen to his explanation and might even inform her father about it.

That would be too hazardous.

Azaroth took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He connected his mind to Laura and sent her a command 'Take everyone away. Don't let them approach my training ground. In fact, go and hide somewhere else.'

Laura was surprised to hear Azaroth's command in her mind. She even doubted for a second whether it was really his voice or not.

'Get moving!'

Azaroth's voice shouted in her mind.

This time, Laura didn't know why but she was sure that it was Azaroth's voice.