The Main Body

Sargan and Tiana had returned from their mission. They wanted to inform Azaroth about it but found out he wasn't in the town.

The two knew that since Azaroth wasn't present in the town, they had to report to Noah.

Sargan went to a building within the center of Kloras Town. This was a building Azaroth had specifically asked the workers to construct since it was going to be the office.

When Sargan saw Noah seated behind the desk with that nervous look, he resisted the urge to laugh.

Noah gave him enormous pressure when it came to combat but currently, his expression gave him a sense of relief.

'He isn't perfect as well.'

This was a small realization but it relaxed him greatly. Until now, Sargan had only seen Noah when he fought.

He'd always been under a lot of pressure, but after seeing Noah's troubled expression today, he felt like the burden had finally lifted.