
Spyro's motives were clear to Azaroth. And now, getting out of this situation without aggravating it would be tricky.

However, Azaroth only smiled coldly. He already had a devious plan in his mind involving Spyro. These were his thoughts as he mildly drank some alcohol.

Soon, Spyro fought a warrior from each table one after the other. Suffice to say, his title as a genius didn't appear to be a sham. All sorts of warriors had fought against him and used their personal skills, but none were able to force him to take a single step back.

All the people who fought against Spyro looked quite happy even though they lost against him. Because Spyro would advise them and give them a hint on how they should advance further.

Azaroth was disappointed, though. If this genius from one of the Top Ten Ranking Sects was only at this level, this Kingdom would probably disappoint him.