Demon Slaying Sword

Once Azaroth's Dragon Jaw attack clashed against Adonis's Demon Slaying Sword, he felt his Demonic Ardor getting suppressed.

Moreover that too by a significant margin. Azaroth understood the reason for it.

The weapon this man was holding was none other than a Celestial Weapon. Although not a very strong weapon, it was something that possessed Holy Ardor within it.

Meanwhile, Adonis was extremely shocked as well. He could feel that even his Demon Slaying Sword, which suppressed the Demonic Ardor as well as the Demonic Bloodline, wasn't working that well against Azaroth.

Also, his sword's special ability to attack the spirit of a demon and injuring it significantly didn't work as well.

However, Adonis didn't dare to stop for a second and moved forward to slash Azaroth. This time, he used even more of his Earth Ardor and used his Sky Slash attack!

Adonis raised his sword and brought it down to strike Azaroth's head.