The Arctic Summit

Nearly a week had passed since Azaroth, and Tiana split up from Noah, Laura, and Ralph.  The two had finally reached the base of 'The Arctic Summit.'

The surroundings were quite cold, and the area was filled with Ice.

Before landing on the ground, Azaroth realized that some things were not mentioned on the map.

Like a small human settlement near the base of 'The Arctic Summit.'

Azaroth immediately lowered his altitude to meet these people.

Before taking any action, he had to first analyze them. Just what were they doing here? This question appeared in his mind.

Azaroth told Tiana, "Don't say anything that reveals information about us. Just follow my lead while I am talking to them."

Tiana nodded her head and spoke, "Alright."

The two landed some distance away from this encampment. Azaroth didn't want to inform them that they could fly. This would indicate that one of them was a 5 Star Warrior.