King Tryfon Rellas

Within the Glerian Kingdom's Palace.

Tryfon Rellas was seated on his throne with the same bored expression on his face. He was the king of the Glerian Kingdom yet there were days he felt very helpless.

This helplessness was because they had exhausted their resources and even their stockpile by continuing the war against the Sinyalian Kingdom.

It was only at the end did the King order to halt the war since they had to keep the emergency resources.

This war didn't affect the Sinyalian Kingdom much because, during these times, King Valliadis was focusing on trade with the Lamhilhan Theocracy. The Theocracy provided them with many materials and through their assistance, the Sinyalian Kingdom prevented the war from largely affecting its economy.

As long as the economy remained intact, the Sinyalian Kingdom would remain stable.