Illusionary Steps of the Wind

Noah had a calm expression as he saw that elder rolling around in pain. He looked at the other elders in this room and spoke coldly, "I hope you aren't as disappointing as him,"

Those words triggered all the other elders in the room. They were cautious of him because he was merely a 3 Star Warrior, yet he had won in exchange against a 4 Star Warrior.

It was shocking indeed.

However, they soon calmed down and realized the truth. Although Noah's technique was strong, it certainly wasn't strong enough to defeat the power of a 4 Star Warrior so easily.

This meant that the elder had held back a great deal of his power while fighting against Noah.

This revelation relieved them. It meant they were still strong if they used their complete strength against Noah.

However, none of them realized that their guess was completely off the mark.