Demon God's Bloodline Pressure

One of the demons, who stood in front of the humans, spoke loudly and clearly.

"Today, you all have been assembled to inform you that the time has come for your training to end." The Demon paused after he said that.

In the distance, Azaroth was slightly surprised. He gazed at the humans and used his Mystic Eyes of Perception to observe them carefully.

He noticed that these humans had a calm expression. Moreover, their bodies were indeed well trained.

Azaroth wasn't sure about their reflexes since he hadn't seen them fight yet, but it couldn't be that bad with this well-trained body they possessed.

"You are the second batch that is going to be recruited in the Lord's personal army. You should be proud of this fact!" The Demon shouted the last sentence.

In response, the humans were truly excited. Azaroth wondered just who their lord was for these humans to be so excited.