Master Pazzi

In the Sinyalian Kingdom, the King had heard the news of how the Roger Dukedom had not only survived but annihilated the Radiant Church.

When he heard of this news, he had to force his face to remain calm despite the excitement in his heart.

Although he had given up on the Roger Dukedom in his heart, it was because he did not wish for the entire Sinyalian Kingdom to be embroiled in a civil war.

The consequences would be disastrous. And the destruction of the Radiant Church could indeed ensure a civil war.

However, the situation was slightly different from what he imagined.

It appeared that Duke Steven Roger had already prepared a countermeasure for this situation. The Visionary Connecting Array had prevented that situation from occurring.

He knew that the Walsh Dukedom had greatly benefited from this situation. Moreover, he had heard the news that Duchess Siluca was taking quick actions to take complete advantage of this situation.