Soul Explosion

The shout from a guard had immediately startled all of Bernado's guards.

Only Bernado and Bianca weren't aware of this scene because they were seated in a soundproof room.

The guards came outside and laid their eyes on Edwin's body in the sky. They noticed he was flying. It indicated he was a 5 Star Warrior.

However, they sneered and thought 'Just a mere 5 Star Warrior dared to spy on us? How ridiculous!'

Meanwhile, a servant rushed inside the room Bernado and Bianca were sitting. He looked extremely shocked as he informed the Third Prince, "Your Highness, an intruder has been sighted."

Bernado was slightly shocked upon hearing this information, but he immediately ordered, "Then what are you waiting for? Go and capture him!"

Although the presence of this intruder had surprised him, he knew that his guards could take care of a single person. He couldn't allow this matter to ruin his plans.