Black Hurricane's Trump Card

The Hell Flame Tornado was dealing with all the warriors around Azaroth and Black Hurricane.

The humans couldn't deal with an attack on such a level that was sucking them in and burning them to a crisp.

Many warriors didn't even dare to join this fight any longer as they fled in different directions.

Azaroth thought 'They should have atleast tried to put up a fight. I should wait until they are far away that they can't rescue Black Hurricane.'


"You are rather weak for a reincarnated Demon King. I was expecting you to put up more of a fight," Azaroth commented with a sneer.

The Black Hurricane was panting heavily as he had just regenerated his body at the cost of his vitality.

"You merely caught me off-guard. If you give me time, I can put up more of a fight against you," Black Hurricane spoke seriously.