Tronte's order

Rein Schwarz was instantly excited upon receiving that offer from Nancy Gill. A woman of her beauty would rarely approach him.

For a few minutes, he felt that the situation was too unbelievable. However, after that, he slowly calmed down and began to think of the possible reasons.

'Maybe my current fame is much greater than I think. Her father might have asked Nancy to approach me and build good relations between us. When I become the President of the Merchant Union, her family would benefit greatly if the two of us have good relations.'

Humans were creatures who liked to accept the facts that appeared to their way of thinking.

It was similar to the situation of Rein Schwarz here. He didn't want to know the truth. He simply accepted the facts presented to him and aligned them to his way of thinking.

His laziness, lust, and greed won against his cautious nature.

After the party, Rein Schwarz went to the Gill Estate.