The Fusion

Edwin noticed that David was going to power up even more. The Vermillion Flame Lotus was growing unstable with that huge influx of power.

It was time to get back. And that's what Edwin did. He jumped back from his spot.

Soon after he jumped back, the Vermillion Flame Lotus exploded! A dust cloud began to rise at that spot and covered the area completely.

Edwin knew how David had suddenly boosted his energy. It was a rather risky method and required exceptional control over his elements.

'He is fusing his Gold Element with the Phoenix's Flames. The boost in these two elements won't just be an addition… Their laws are fusing as well.'

A lot of energy was leaking from David's body. Meaning, he was wasting a lot of energy just by this power-up.

'He has received a significant boost from this fusion. I might need to use my Divine Holy Devil Physique to defeat him or maybe successfully run…'