Yrellea's message

Currently, Minos Zaraki is seated in his father's office. His father had a scowl on his face as he stared at his son.

"You haven't even been able to handle a single woman! How can you inherit the Zaraki Family in the future?!" The Governor roared at his son callously.

Minos's expression remained the same as before. This could be considered a routine in this house.

Once a month, his father would demand a private meeting with Minos.

Minos had to leave behind all his tasks and listen to his father's scolding and advice. Even though Minos was a wastrel who committed a lot of mistakes. He knew that he had to improve somewhere.

His father's admonishment would allow him to correct his faults.

"Ruben Kari. A kid of your age has seduced that woman's advisor! He is using that woman's Misty Flower Pavilion to grab the information and profits necessary for him. You can see his rise in these months," The Governor spoke.