The Great Hall

Noah soon entered the Great Hall. He looked around and noticed many people seated on the large chairs. The people were calmly gazing at Noah, seemingly analyzing him right now.

He then stared right up ahead and saw a man seated on a large extravagant throne. This man had dull brown hair and dark black eyes who stared at Noah with a sharp gaze. He had a round menacing face that would appear intimidating at first glance.

This man wore a large White Robe that extended all the way down to his knees. There were many symbols on that white robe and some stars. All these symbols and stars meant that he was the supreme ruler of this Kingdom. He possessed the highest authority in this Kingdom.

Noah remembered the face of this man. This was the same face he saw during the start of the Heavenly Dragon Battleground's Tournament. The face of that faint Spiritual Figure.

This was the King of the Glerian Kingdom, Tryfon Rellas!