
The flames around Edwin moved in response to his thoughts, attacking his opponents, who tried to get closer to him to kill him.

Jonas was startled as he saw the purple flames approaching him. He jumped back and dodged those purple flames.

From that, he found out that those flames had a limited reach. They could only extend up to 50 meters around Edwin's body.

Stretching any longer than that, the flames would be too weak to damage a 6 Star Warrior.

Only the 6 Star Warriors dared to approach Edwin while the 5 Star Warriors flew a little farther away and launched their long-ranged attacks at him.

Edwin ignored those long-ranged attacks. His Golden Flames would meet those attacks head-on and nullify them.

Thus, Edwin didn't need to split his attention for those attacks.

He was focused on the 6 Star Warriors around him. Using his Mystic Eyes of Perception, he checked their emotions and guessed who would attack first.