
In the meantime, Noah had chosen his rewards from the Royal Treasury. He chose a weapon which was an Ice Sword.

He was planning to give it to Aria. Her sword had cracked, and she required a new one. This seemed the strongest sword within the Armory that possessed the Ice Element. Its name was "Arctic Rose Sword."

It had been nourished by the Ice Energy of an extremely cold environment. This Sword would absorb the user's energy and automatically condense it.

Any Ice Elemental Attack launched through this sword would be nearly thrice its original strength.

Thus, it would be perfect for Aria, who lacks firepower right now.

In reality, another sword in this armory was even stronger than the "Arctic Rose Sword." However, it belonged to the Lightning Element, so Noah ignored it.

Azaroth had asked him to get something for his subordinates. He didn't need to think about anything else.