The Dragon Tiger Palace's shock

Azaroth gathered all the surrendered warriors and took them to the Origin Sect Branch. He was going to force these warriors to join his faction.

Their willpower was weak, but this issue could be resolved through special means.

He planned to have them meet Ralph. If Ralph could convince a few of them to switch their allegiances, then well and good. Otherwise, Azaroth would have to take drastic measures. He would have to involve their dear innocent families in this as well.

While this battle was occurring, the Dragon Tiger Palace received a message from the Origin Sect's Main Branch.

This message was from the Sect Master of the Origin Sect. He seemed to have written about how the Origin Sect would stand by their branch in Veninza City.

If the Dragon Tiger Palace acted against their branch in Veninza City, the Origin Sect would become bitter enemies with them.

Now, this kind of message was somewhat expected by the Dragon Tiger Palace.