Sacred Ice Sovereign Manifestation

Tiana and her subordinates woke up after 5 hours. By the time they woke up, their wounds had stopped bleeding.

Their blood clotted and prevented any more blood from rushing out of their body. However, they still experienced immense pain from those injuries.

Even as they tried to move their head, they suddenly sensed sharp pain from different parts of their body.

After staying down for another half an hour, they forced their body to get up while enduring the pain. Some of them even groaned due to the pain.

During the battle, they had been on a severe adrenaline rush. Thus, they weren't affected by the pain that greatly.

But now, their body was at rest. It had completely relaxed, and their minds constantly informed them of the sharp pain due to their injuries.

When they left their camp, they saw it was nighttime. They lowered their head and noticed a fire was lit ahead of them.