Accepting the Deal

"It's not exactly a new target. We already asked you to target this individual and paid a heavy price earlier. However, the beasts you sent weren't up to the mark for this task," the envoy spoke with a calm tone.

Even though he talked to the Cyan Leopard, the Beast Lord of the Leopard Race, he remained calm.

The Cyan Leopard was lying on the branch of a tree. Its slitted pupil eyes widened slightly as it focused on the envoy standing on the ground.

The other leopards didn't exactly understand what this envoy had spoken, but they felt that it was a statement that disturbed their Beast Lord.

All of them suddenly growled at the envoy and showed hostile looks on their faces. If not for the Cyan Leopard's order to be on standby, they would have already pounced on him.

The envoy wasn't scared or terrified of these leopards. It wasn't the first time he had come here as a diplomat. He was more or less used to this scene.