Gilberd reaches the camp

Gilberd showed up three days later. He had arrived by himself. He had a legitimate reason for coming alone: Roman had urged him to do so discreetly. The Glerian Kingdom's forces must have learned their lesson when they launched an ambush against the Sinyalian Kingdom's camp without gathering sufficient intelligence.

Roman was sure that they wouldn't repeat that mistake. At the least, they would try to keep their eyes on the new soldiers that enter the Sinyalian Kingdom's camp. Even if a small team of warriors arrived, the information would spread to the whole army. And the Glerian Kingdom's forces would be alerted as well.

Moreover, Gilberd could fly in the air. However, his power wasn't so great that he could have other warriors fly together with him. It would significantly affect his speed and stamina. And Roman's priority was to have Gilberd here as soon as possible.