Wood Elf

After an hour or so, Nudar reached the entrance of the Underground Labyrinth of the Demons.

Margeria kept Dylan and Camille occupied and prevented them from entering the Labyrinth. She wanted Nudar to join their group before they all entered this labyrinth together.

Nudar came flying down from the skies with a serene smile. His angelic wings revealed his identity and caught Dylan's attention.

Soon, Camille also stared in Nudar's direction and was startled to see such a handsome man flying towards them. She noticed the wings on his back and understood that this was actually a Celestial!

Meanwhile, Margeria was trying to contain her excited heart as she stared at Nudar's flying figure. However, it wasn't just her heart that was excited.

Her entire body heated up, and her pussy twitched in anticipation. It went without saying that just a look at Nudar made Margeria wet.

"Hello, I am Nudar… Umm. What's your name?" He asked rather kindly.