Stabilization of the Sinyalian Kingdom

While Azaroth came to a terrifying conclusion, he also understood that he needed to keep his identity a secret.

'The more challenging it is, the more rewarding it will be,' Azaroth thought with a bright smile.

In any case, Azaroth had no enemy in the Glerian Kingdom who could kill him. This was certainly true! However, he wasn't planning to take any immediate action.

In actuality, he intended to let the sects fight the Glerian Kingdom on their own rather than aiding them.

This was because he was about to reap the benefits of his labors.

The situation in the Sinyalian Kingdom had more or less stabilized after Shun acted and dealt with the Noble Family Alliance's perpetrator!

In other words, King Valliadis was focused on capturing Shun while also handling the Noble Family Alliance.