The Flame Storm

Bryon flew some distance away from the battlefield where the two Demon Emperors fought against the three Archangels.

He pulled out his bow and cocked his arrow before stretching his bowstring. It had been nearly three whole minutes since he stretched his bowstring, and the power of his arrow had significantly boosted.

In fact, this was the first time Bryon held out his bowstring for more than two minutes. This arrow had drained him of all his Ardor and Bloodline Energy, but he was sure that it would kill whoever he targeted.

His target was none other than Esther, who held the Judgement Trident.

Bryon's bow held the lock-on ability. Meaning that Esther could never escape this arrow if she was in this world.

Bryon launched that arrow. The arrow covered the massive gap between Bryon and Esther within the blink of an eye.

However, its speed wasn't fast enough to bypass Esther's senses. She sensed that arrow as soon as Bryon released it.