Tronte's True Identity

Azaroth had already arrived on the battlefield. He was a bit startled to see an unknown human slashing and defeating the Archangels, but when he gazed at Bryon and noticed those Golden Streams within his body, he didn't find it so strange.

It was only natural for Bryon to receive assistance from such an expert. In fact, Azaroth was more surprised that this helper wasn't a Saint Rank Warrior!

But still, after this Saber Emperor's appearance, he noticed that the Golden Streams within Bryon's body faded a bit.

Azaroth thought he was seeing things, but he was sure that those Golden Streams were less than 20% of their original number.

'Fortunately, the law of conservation of mass remains alright. The fate energy used those Golden Streams to slightly manipulate the mind of this Saber Emperor and summoned him here.'