Tiana and Yrellea's chat

Tiana managed to enter the Pinhian Republic safely due to Yrellea's efforts.

Yrellea guided Tiana to the nearest city and soon met up with her. She had moved to this city earlier to meet Tiana.

It had been nearly 5 months since the two saw each other.

"Heya," Tiana greeted Yrellea with a warm smile.

Yrellea responded with a nod while speaking, "So, you finally moved out of the Sinyalian Kingdom. I was worried that the Sinyalian Kingdom's borders with the Lamhilhan Theocracy would be sealed tight. It seems there was scope to breach them."

Tiana smiled upon hearing those words. She shook her head negatively, "Nope. There was no scope to breach them in the normal way. Even if I used my entire wealth, I would have failed to bribe those soldiers."

"…Then how?" Yrellea showed a surprised expression.

"Hehe…I instigated a beast raid and used them to enter the Lamhilhan Theocracy," Tiana spoke out with a proud expression.