William Helps Long Chen Tremendously

Long Chen's revelation left William utterly astounded.

They clarified some things for him but also raised a multitude of new questions.

"Do you happen to know the name of the Devil God who broke free in the Great Qin Empire and who his allies were?" William inquired after some reflection.

"As far as I know, this Devil God was called the Tyrannical Asura Devil God, Azaroth," Long Chen responded.

The mention of that name sent a thrill of excitement through William. It was confirmation that, in the future, they had managed to rescue their Master, Azaroth!

Long Chen continued, "As for his allies, many devils from Purgatory came forth to support him, but I lack precise information about them. During that time, I was still in the Zhongxing Kingdom, not on the frontlines battling against this Devil God and his allies."

This response piqued William's curiosity, and his brows furrowed in confusion.