William's Secret Mistresses

After indulging in the early morning pleasures with Ren Yue's voluptuous form, William finally left the hotel room, leaving Ren Yue with a few more instructions.

His time with Ren Yue had been marked by unrestrained passion and intensity. There was no trace of gentleness in his actions; instead, he thoroughly enjoyed every inch of her body, from the tender curves to the passionate kisses.

Ren Yue, far from resisting, embraced the roughness with equal fervor, relishing in the primal connection they shared.

As William departed the inn room, Ren Yue lay on the bed, her naked form a testament to the passionate encounter. Her chest rose and fell in rhythmic breaths, and a satisfied smile played on her lips. The room still lingered with the lingering scent of their escapade.

Gathering herself, Ren Yue rose from the bed and noticed a selection of dresses neatly placed in the closet by William.