Azaroth's Retainers Enter A Celestial God's Minor World

"Alright, spill the beans, William. What's the game plan?" Noah inquired with a curious tilt of his head.

A decade had breezed by, marking him at the ripe age of around twenty, showcasing a short crop of black hair and the piercing gaze of brown eyes. An invisible aura exuded from him, casting a palpable pressure that even impacted Ralph and William.

William, his demeanor as calm as a tranquil lake, shared his strategy, "I've dispatched some warriors to do the legwork in the Bewitching Droplet Divine Goddess's Minor World. They'll handle the defensive dance, allowing us to save our energy for the main event – the showdown with the Goddess herself."

"And where's that monkey of yours?" Ralph interjected, his fiery mane and vibrant yellow eyes giving him a distinct presence.