Conversing with Zhan Xinyi

As William silently approached the bed, the sanctum's quietude enveloped the room. He smoothly slid onto the bed beside Zhan Xinyi, a predator closing in on its prey. The tranquillity of the room was disrupted only by the faint rustle of fabric as he settled.

It wasn't until his hands, with a serpent's grace, snaked around Zhan Xinyi's waist that she stirred, awakening with a start. Her eyes widened in startled surprise, and her immediate instinct was to free herself. However, William's grip, firm as a vice, prevented her escape.

Startled and indignant, Zhan Xinyi demanded to know who he was and why he had intruded into her room. Her attempts to break free were met with the unyielding restraint of William's hold.