Shun's Investigations And Noah Takes Action

In the grand hall of the Royal Palace of the Great Qin Empire, Emperor Qin Lei addressed his advisors with a grave expression. "Gentlemen, the situation has taken an ominous turn. We find ourselves beset on multiple fronts, with nations conspiring against us and a demonic incursion at our borders. What insights do you have to share?"

The advisors gathered around the central table, maps and strategic documents spread before them. General Jiang Shou, the seasoned military strategist, spoke first. "Your Majesty, the attacks on Frascoia Continent by seven human nations and the unexpected assault by the Woltensian Empire are coordinated and precise. The timing is suspicious."

Qin Lei's brow furrowed. "Are you suggesting a conspiracy, General Jiang?"

Jiang Shou nodded, "Yes, Your Majesty. The simultaneous nature of these attacks seems orchestrated. It's as if someone is pulling the strings behind the scenes."