Battle On All Fronts

Shun Gordon's gaze bore into Noah as he spoke, "Now that I know you're the one targeting the Royal Palace, everything clicks into place. You're one of Azaroth's retainers, aren't you? And it seems you've got wind of your master's lingering spirit, trapped by the Great Qin Empire. I'm not sure how you found out, but I'm convinced that the chaos befalling the empire is all thanks to you and your crew."

Noah glared back at Shun Gordon with pure disdain, his hatred evident in his eyes. Shun continued, "You're probably tied to that SIS intelligence outfit. That Heavenly Poison Empress, Yrellea, must be your ally. I wouldn't be surprised if she orchestrated the attacks from the nations south of the Great Qin Empire."

He wasn't finished, though. Shun Gordon added, "And the Woltensian Empire? Ralph, the one who took in the White Tiger's Divine Inheritance, likely ordered the attack. None of this would have happened without him."