9- The quite before the change

The enormous continent Grand Mundora is a vast expanse of land that stretches across the vast crystal ocean's body. With a diverse range of climates, landscapes, and scenery, the continent was primarily home to four races. Humans, elves, orcs, and dwarves are among the races.

The Tomorian Empire was the largest and most powerful human home, stretching across the entire northeastern quarter of the continent. Its landscape consisted primarily of green plains, vast forests, hills, valleys, small rivers, and lakes, with a typical European climate. Surrounded on the south by a series of grey Mountains, on the west with Elven vegetation, and on the east and north by the ocean. Humans, who lacked any unique racial characteristics, were mainly average in all-around occupations because they could easily pick up skills from other races, but they specialized in herbalism and religion since the paladins were their most cherished unit. They mostly revered and followed the Church of the Holy Flame, who are sturdy fully plated soldiers that are immovable in close combat and can also employ holy magic to heal, support, or cause damage. They not only guard their empire and religion, but they also abhor the undead and evil arts.

Beyond the easternmost reaches of Gran Mundora sits Galaria, a lesser continent that was once home to beastkin, but human hunger for magical minerals and ores drove them to invade Galaria and wage war on beastkin for many years until settling on the western side and founding the Kolonviel empire.

The dwarves lived and raised their families in the grey Mountains, which ran from the eastern coast to the southern boundary of the Elven kingdom, cutting the continent in two. Fortresses, cities, markets, and trade routes were all erected by them, and their expertise was smithing, shaping, and manufacturing sophisticated machinery. The mountains provided them with all of the materials they required for their work. The dwarves were successful in doing business and building structures all over the continent since they were the number one expert in their field. forming positive ties with other races, gaining respect and an endless supply of gold coins all year, making their greedy ugly faces pleased and their bellies full of mead

The Sohaj dessert lies further south, beyond the Grey Mountains, covering what remains of the continent in a vast sea of sand, wasteland, and rocky canyons. Little is known about the dessert except that it is hot and that it is home to the Orcs, a bulky race known for being the best fighters across the continent, tough hotheaded fearless warriors who followed the path of strength and blood. They lived in several Clans and tribes that expanded across the Sohaj desert.Orcs had a decent relationship with all kingdoms because they generally gave their abilities as mercenaries, guards, hunters, or merely looking to develop their skills by hunting monsters and obtaining renown as lone adventurers, as they didn't engage much in politics with other species.

The Forest of Feywild is located where sand, Rocky Mountains, and green Plains converge. a mythical woodland inhabited by elves, a race capable of living for hundreds of years and skilled in control, magic, and enchantment.

Despite the fact that their race feature gave them an advantage in arcane studies, they excelled in marksmanship above all, and were famed for their deadly archers and trappers who used both bow and traps.

The Flora of Feywild enveloped and surrounded the elven realm, which was masked by a defense and illusion formation array. that held rare magical herbs, creatures, and treasure-filled ruins.

Except for trading and critical concerns, the elves rarely interacted with other races, preferring to maintain a neutral relationship with humans and dwarves.


New Sharandor, the elven kingdom's capital, is located in the heart of the forest.  a massive jade-like glass castle stood magnificently in the center, its base covered with roots and colorful flora and closely guarded by armored elven guards, and it stood majestically overlooking the beautiful elven city below. Inside the castle There was a large square hall supported by eight large pillars that were embellished with carvings and vibrant paints A large round glass table in the center has a large tree engraved on its shiny smooth surface.

A man sat on a throne-like chair, overlooking the table, dressed in very luxurious white robes dyed in golden patterns that complimented his muscular physique; he had long black hair that reached to his back, a slim face with a sharp nose and yellow eyes with a green gem embedded in his forehead; he was tapping his chin as he was lost in thought. There were numerous chairs surrounding the table, most of which were empty save for three facing the throne, which were occupied by two elven males and a lady.

They sat around the table in rich dark green robes, although not as luxurious and intricate as the guy on the throne, discussing what appeared to be an important topic.

"My king, what should we do? According to every report we received, the magical fluctuations in the dark continent are increasing every month, and we need to put complete defense measures in place," the gentleman worriedly asked the king.

"We can't just deploy defense measures on the northern coast because we share borders with the empire, and they'll be suspicious, and we know how this empire works, they'll take it as a sign of assault," the lady said, frustrated.

"We should be sure and know what's causing those fluctuations," she said, "maybe it's just some beast horde or a newly generated dungeon."

"We had already done so. We showed the Sage all the reports, and he and the elite squad went there to check and confirm it themselves, the mana signatures are different from those caused by dungeons or beasts, and if the sage had been here, he would have confirmed it himself, and we wouldn't be arguing about it and would have acted immediately, we have no choice but to be ready, continuous magic fluctuations with a surge of unstable signature in our ancestor's records mean only one thing"..  remarked the gentleman, his face filled with shock and disbelief.

"And how are we going to explain to humans that 'our ancestors' recording? You think they'll believe in such a tragedy if you tell them, "Oh, we're simply putting up all the walls and sending more soldiers out, risking their lives just because we believe in some old scrolls presumably penned by some type of maniac hundreds of years ago?"" the lady retorted, irritated


"ENOUGH, I will not allow anyone to speak about this matter any longer," the king interrupted, "We will wait until the sage arrives and we will hear what he has to say," the king said as he waved his hand.

"You've been dismissed."

The king was lost in thought as he approached one of the windows that offered the gorgeous view of New Sharandor as the three persons departed the hall.

"After all these centuries, it's occurring again... I guess you were right all along, Oldman; I wasn't ready at the time, but I won't let them ruin our new home this time." As he examined his status, the king grumbled.

< Status >

< Name: King Evinel >

< Race ( elf ) >

Class ( Sword Saint of Shuur )

level ( 90***)

<. >