Back to Slimey Old Man Territory

"Where is the priestess? Where are Bai Jingfei and Sun Mei?" asked head priest Tang.

He had just arrived in the Fa district to collect his group and bless the people. Diseases such as malaria and cholera were running rampant because of the flooding, and people needed the hopes they got from blessings, now more than ever.

It was like the need for joy and hope had been amplified.

Along with that, prayer was important and holy power and blessings would help the ill and wounded. Thus the emperor had sent them to the region.

But now that he was there, he couldn't help but look around for a few minutes in a struggle to figure out what he should've been doing.

He had no holy power.

Zero, zilch, nada.

Luckily for him, there were no "holy power meters" in this world. Only those blessed with extraordinary amounts of holy power would be able to tell if someone else had holy power or not. No one had blown his cover yet, so that strong person was yet to be born.

However, head priest Tang was overestimating himself.

Bai Jingfei, heavenly doctor Ming, Song Yongrui and other equally talented scammers could see through his pretence without any holy powers. It didn't take a genius to spot the odd one out among a bunch of dignified priests.

But heavenly doctor Tang could definitely remain relaxed. There was no way anyone could prove he had no holy powers of any sort. He was safe. For now at least.

"They will be returning from the jianghu territory today. It appears they have blocked up the upper river, your holiness" said chief Zhao, rubbing his hands like a raccoon.

The fat, short, greasy, ugly, perverted, smelly, wobbly, balding, yellow toothed, old; let me stop there; old man, was definitely going to take credit for their work. There was no way he was going to let them enjoy themselves like that and get praise for it.

"And head priestess NingNing? She was supposed to have been here an hour ago?"

"She's inside, taking a nap, your holiness." sighed chief Zhao. He had planned to use her to bless his new yacht but she insisted on sleeping.

Just then the carriage rolled over and came to a halt, merely centimeters away from running chief Zhao over.

"Oops- Didn't see you there." laughed Sun Mei as she stepped out of the carriage, "Shorty."

Head priest Tang smiled upon seeing a familiar face. He had been the one to carry out Sun Mei's coming of age ceremony and he had also exorcised her once.

"Sun Mei! My dear! Come give this old priest a hug!" head priest Tang raised his arms as if to welcome her into his embrace.

Sun Mei walked right past him though, "No thank you."

Then Bai 'obedient wife' Jingfei walked out, holding Song Yongrui's hand.

Song Yongrui was dressed quite well. In a way he was dressed like a male escort or a pretty boy but that shot his attractiveness through the roof for Bai Jingfei

"Who's this man?" asked head priest Tang covertly.

"He was kidnapped by the jianghu." said Sun Mei with a sigh. Bai Jingfei had begged her to allow him to come along and she had no choice but to give into her cute begging face.

She talked to him and made him promise that he would not make a move on Bai Jingfei while she wasn't around to keep watch.

'Marriage first, then we can talk' she had said.

And that was exactly what Song Yongrui had planned. But Bai Jingfei was definitely going to be disappointed. She had plans of seducing him.

For the money of course.

'I'm not in love with him. Definitely. I just want his money. I can let him love me, it makes sense, I'm the cutest after all!' was her logic.

"I picked him up so he's mine," said Bai Jingfei with a glare, "None of you will touch him."

She said this, specifically directed at the maids ogling Song Yongrui's slim yet muscular body. He was dressed like a boytoy for a rich old lady. Not only were his clothes covered in gold embroidery, his accessories had little red peonies on them.

As soon as they caught Bai Jingfei's bloodthirsty glare they looked away rushedly. No man was worth getting beaten up by Bai Jingfei for. At least one they had no hope of getting together with.

The man was clearly head over heels for Bai Jingfei. His eyes hadn't left her ever since they had arrived. Her hand was still in his and it was obvious he had no intentions of letting go any time soon.

Ah, the more loving, the more handsome...

With all that possessiveness he looked fantastic to say the least.

"Let's go in then." said Sun Mei, "We'll be taking the same room as last time, and he will be sleeping with the soldiers."

She gave him a 'I'm warning you' glance before walking forward.

Song Yongrui playfully pouted but was met by a fierce glare from Sun 'Mommy' Mei. She was not going to let that man touch her tiny, squishy FeiFei.

Bai Jingfei was going to protest but she was too slow.

Chief Zhao was going to stop them but he was also too slow.

Their room was already occupied by the one and only, head priestess NingNing.