If Wife Wants It, Song Yongrui Buys It.

The soldiers quickly ran after the muddy footprints to no avail. The end of the trail was simply three pairs of shoes tossed on the side and nothing more. They might have been able to follow a trail of peanuts had Sun Mei been more careless with them.

They had no choice but to disperse and go back to where they were originally stationed before the wild goose chase. They had no work other than guarding this region. They willingly turned a bind eye on the black market since it was funnel funds to them too. 

Heck, the biggest source of income in this region, for guards, farmers and what not else, would be this market. They could sell scrap metal for good amounts and there were no regulations at all.

It was like a free for all, metal banquet. 

There had been action from the government to shut down the market, mostly in the name of "illegal deeds" happening there, but all the market was, was a glorified tax free metal junkyard.