Back Home, Finally

Now that Bai Jingfei had left the staring eyes of the escort crowd, she didn't really mind talking to head priestess NingNing about anything.

It was awkward to be talking about something private around a whole bunch of escorts around them, listening to every little thing that they were saying. Bai Jingfei was a relatively private person after all.

For convenience and privacy's sake she hadn't even told her colleagues and friends about the location of her cave, since that would mean people coming over to visit. Bai Jingfei couldn't take that for very long, so her friends only ever saw her when she emerged from her cave.

It wasn't like she had that many friends to begin with.

Her only friends were ones from college, or ones from the various labs she had worked in. With her rather eccentric personality it was no surprise that she wasn't exactly the most popular, but simply from being beautiful and smart she had quite a few people who were nice to her.