Just Hanging Around

Bai Jingfei was currently hanging upside down from a horizontal bar and staring at a huge pile of herbs stacked on the ground.

Sure, it was strange, but not really that strange since it was Bai Jingfei after all. It was only mildly strange. Just slightly puzzling at best. Most people who knew her would simply gloss over this statement with something along the lines of 'yeah, that sounds like FeiFei'.

Bai Jingfei glared at the fragrant pile with great intensity, as if staring at the pile for longer would help her identify what the darn plants were.

The rabbit monkey in her was really shining through as she hissed at something. Whether she was hissing at the plants or herself was unknown.

Knowing Bai Jingfei it could even be the bar. Or maybe the sky. Or maybe god, who had put her in that position.