Song Yongrui is Deeply in Love

As Song Yongrui's lips slowly left Bai Jingfei's, the now brain fried Bai Jingfei was giggling in his arms. She was enjoying herself, so she had stopped thinking about what exactly she was doing.

How did it matter? As long as it felt good it was all fair, was it not?

And she was only doing this with her self proclaimed fiancé. It wasn't like she was kissing a random stranger. That might have been embarrassing, and beyond Bai Jingfei, but since it was Song Yongrui it just felt natural.

Nothing felt forced and every action she seemed to take was matched smoothly by a certain handsome young man. Bai Jingfei liked that.

Somehow everything they did matched perfectly. He always took the right steps and followed Bai Jingfei perfectly while still taking certain liberties of his own.