One Must Beg a Loli if They Wish to Become Her Student

Feng Guang  quietly bowed his head and rushed off to the side and out of the room. He didn't even catch a single glance of Bai Jingfei in the whole thing.

Perhaps god knew that seeing Bai Jingfei sitting amongst the heavenly doctors would be too much for him to take. But why god would want to shield him didn't make sense either, Feng Guang was someone who deserved to be beaten down a bit, at the very least.

But that was what his father was for.

But since Feng Guang passed the first exam, he could definitely become a doctor, just not a very good one, or prestigious one.

And for Feng Guang, money and prestige had been the main driving factors for trying to become a doctor. If he wasn't going to receive that, perhaps he really should just follow heavenly doctor Ling's advice and go into selling underwear.

It didn't make sense to struggle in this field any longer.