All Hail the New Emperor, Gilbert (1)

Back in the palace, the emperor of the Wang kingdom, was just starting to get things together.

If he wanted to wage war, the first thing he was going to have to do was check his funds, and make sure that he didn't mind paying the amount it would cost. He was willing to pay a lot to battle the emperor of the Amah kingdom, but that amount doubled when both general Sun and prime minister Bai were added in.

He was willing to spend quite a bit to rid himself of some massive pain in the butts.

They were the main target of his inferiority complex, and he was willing to do quite a lot to put them down and lift himself up. Sure, that wasn't going to change their achievements, but it was definitely easier to not think about them when both of them were buried ten feet under the ground.

The emperor was passionate about this. Passionate enough to walk over to his treasured treasury and check if he had the money to cause the trouble he wanted to cause.