Chapter 13

Lucinda's POV

We all stood a respectable distance away but close enough to hear everything that was going on. Even Donavan seemed interested enough to give his full attention.

Melissa took tentative steps towards Victor but had a surprised expression on her face. Victor adjusted the glasses on his face but none of them said a thing to each other.

"Say something!" said Lynn.

"Yeah!" we all agreed.

"Melissa, from the first time I met you at the library I just knew you were perfect. We had so many things in common that it was just an instant connection. I get that there were moments of confusion with us at some points but I just realized that I can't spend another day without you by my side.

I love how you care for others and expect nothing in return, the way you crinkle your nose when something annoys you or when you put a strand of hair behind your ear when you're nervous. I love the way you blush whenever anyone gives you a compliment.

All the stars in the universe could never equal to the way you make me feel about you... So I was wondering if you could do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend"

Pregnant pause.


Lynn and I jumped up in a fit of giggles jumping up and down in excitement when they embraced and kissed.

The boys did they're 'man-hug' thing in congratulations and me, Lynn and Diego hugged the excitement out of Melissa. Even Donavan joined in the congratulating.

"I'm so happy for you"

"Thank you for doing this for me"

"No problem"

"Now you can join our couples cult"

"We are not in a cult"

"Why do you have to harsh my mellow"

"Because your 'mellow' is idiotic"

"You're idiotic!"

"Alright guys! Let's leave the new couple to their night together"

"Lucy, Join me at the Café for some coffee will you"

"Sure be there in a bit. Do you wanna come?" I asked Chase.

"No... I'll probably catch you later though"

"Okay" I said a little disappointed but I shrugged it off and went to the Café with Diego.


I stared at my coffee while stirring it continously to mix in the cream. I looked up and Diego opposite me ripping open a small packet of sugar and added to his latte.

"So why am I here again?"

He placed a hand on his chest in a manner that I had just offended him.

"I thought you enjoyed my company"

"Right now I could use the company of my bed"

"Eventually... Now tell me about Chase."


So that's why I'm here.

"What do you want to know?"

"Is he a good guy?"

"Yeah he's a really great guy actually"

"Hmm, he even gets a 'really'"

"Shut up"

"I just want to know the kind of guy who's dating my best friend"

"We're not dating"


"Would you like to?"

Would I like to?

In terms of my successfully getting my ass out of hell... Yes! But if he is the soul that I've been looking for all along, then I'd be killing Lynn's cousin then disappearing forever.

Obviously they'd suspect me first so if that did happen, I might have to stick around for a while till it all blows over then live the rest of my life.

"Yeah. I would."

"Who are you and what have you done with Lucinda Morningstar"

"What I can't like a guy?"

"First of all no and second of all aren't you practicing abstinence or something"

I threw a sugar packet at him and he ducked my futile attack.

"I swear your dating life is so dry I thought you might join a convent or something"

"Do I look like a nun to you?!"

He opened his mouth to answer and I cut him off.

"If you want to live I suggest you answer that question wisely"

He opened his mouth to answer and got interrupted by a message from his phone. He took it out and I took a sip of my coffee.

"Well we're about to find out", he jumped up excitedly and grabbed my hand, "C'mon!"

"My coffee!" I whined while being dragged against my will.

After my protesting for a bit he finally let me finish my coffee before I followed him wherever he intended to take me.

I furrowed my brows when I saw we were going to my apartment. Suspiciously I followed him all the way to my door when he opened it and it was unlocked.

He gestured for me to go in and I hesitated expecting to find some sort of surprise party but was disappointed when I switched on the light and there was no one and absolutely no decorations.

With more confusion I walked and heard shuffling in my living room. There I saw a box on the table rattling and making noises. I looked back to see that Diego wasn't even there anymore.

A big sign with an arrow that said 'OPEN ME' was pointed towards the box. With a huff of confidence I tipped the top and closed my eyes expecting to have a snake jump out at me but instead was met with soft meows.

Snakes don't meow. I opened one eye and then the other and saw a ginger and white kitten staring at me from within the box.

"Aww!" I said and picked it up and saw a note inside with the words written on it.

I picked it up and read it out loud to no one in particular.

"Will you be mine?"

I looked back down at the kitten in my arms.

"Of course I will" I said to the little ball of fur.

"I'm really hoping that answer was for me"

I looked up and saw Chase standing across me.

"You did this?"

"Yes... I'm not really good with words but I seem to be good with actions."

"Like breaking into my apartment?" I joked.

"Yeah... Sorry about that. Diego gave me his spare key"

"So that's why you couldn't come with me to the Café"

He nodded.

"When I see two people who should be together to hell with what the universe says, so what do you say... Will you be mine?"

I smiled.


He crossed the room and locked me in his embrace and I hugged him back.

"So whats the name?"

I looked behind Chase to see Diego, Lynn, Mathias and even Donavan standing there. I looked back down at the soft ball in my arms.



This Chapter is dedicated to every women in the world. You are strong and powerful and can do whatever it is that you want to achieve. Take it from a strong female character like Lucinda no matter what you are faced with in life you are strong. Me being a woman myself I see you queen.

Stay beautiful

Happy Woman's Day

- Minashry_06