Surya and Sharma lock horns

Soon after Sharma gave them a task.. Surya and his team reached the location. They first started clearing the people in the location and then started their work . It was to find an ancient replica of Lord Shiv which was noted to be in that location and the time has been passing but the replica didn't got caught to no one's eye. After the unsuccessful attempt they reached back again.

Sharma called up all them and asked them about the work. Surya replied "Sorry sir!we were unable to find out any replica.we really worked all the day and our efforts didn't work sir!sorry!!". Sharma sarcastically laughed at them and said"I know you can't..That's why I have already given this task to Vikram's team. don't you even feel shame on yourself".

Alekhya replied "Sir stop!."Sharma replied with anger" why can't you just say that you are unable to do anything. Alekhya replied in return as "We are the top team until you have come here sir! This is not fare". Surya wentaway from them with annoyed feel.

Sharma said with anger "Oh Yeah I have to first think of that Shameless Rao who brought your team here. Alekhya replied " Sir! just shut up!,How can you just talk like that about Mr.Rao. He didn't came here after you. You are here in his absence. Sharma replied "Non sense.I am just maintaining you only the respect on him .First stop your shit and get out.

They just went out with irritated feeling.