Rudra's intellectual doubts...

While practicing archery Rudra and VasuDeva were discussing about the difficulty level and in the conversation Rudra asked "Where's master Shresta?". Vasu replied "He's meditating there in the cottage.Rudra moved there along with Vasu.

They saw Shrestagna meditating and thought to leave the place and come later but in the meanwhile Shrestagna called them up " Come in Rudra..". and he opened his eyes.Rudra replied " Guruji we will come later.. I think you were in meditation".Guruji replied "No problem Rudra come in...".

Vasu asked Rudra quietly" How did he came to know that we are here..?". Rudra replied quietly "He knows everything he spent many years in meditation and he has super powers too... They both sat infront of Guruji...and Guruji asked "Now say Rudra what is the problem ?".

Rudra replied " Not a problem Guruji we are here just to ask a few questions....Guruji sighed them to ask.. Rudra asked "What's the most powerful weapon in the universe?".He replied "Brain". Rudra requestioned " Then what's the superior education". He replied " Using the most powerful weapon at the right place at right time.....If u misuse it then you will damage yourself....".

Rudra thought for a while and asked "Guruji So, Are these both enough?".He replied " If u have diamonds will you lose the gold...This is also similar to that!."