Rudra assures the victim

Rudra took his parents' blessings and he said " I'll take Vasu along with me". BhoopathiVarma replied "Ask him!not us". They were smiling. Rudra left the place and reached Vasu in garden.As Soon Rudra arrived Vasu questioned "Did you say them?".Rudra replied "They didn't gave chance to me to talk".

Rudra was dissapointed. Vasu said "Don't worry Rudra It's all just a small journey. Let's go and come back.". Rudra sighed that he will come. Rudra and Vasu took up their horses and they took blessings and started moving.....They had to hit Chitravanam and Baarsinagar on their way.

They passed Chitravanam and they are moving in Baarsinagar's market street. An Incident occurred in that place. It's a theft. The thief just grabbed the gold from a woman's neck and he started getting away in a horse.Rudra and Vasu stepped down from their horses.

They reached the woman and asked "Are you okay?". She replied "Yes but! that's my chain and my husband will kill me if I say it's lost.She started crying aloud. They thought to do something for that women ....They said to the woman " You don't worry we'll get it back to you!".