Rudra dissappeared

Rudra tried to get out of the deadly forest but instead he went more deeper into the forest. He tried all the ways to escape from the forest but he was unable and he finally reached a place which is containing brightness. He thought that he reached out but he actually reached Aghoris' living place in the mid of forest. They eat human bodies at cemetery.

They saw Rudra coming towards them and they all were happy to see him and they thought to eat him alive. One of them said" For the first time we are going to eat an alive man". Rudra was stepping back to escape. Some of the cannibals jumped on to his horse to catch him.He managed to escape.

But many more members surrounded him and they started behaving like zombies. Himashva used a tactic and neighed. Suddenly a storm came and hit some of them who is infront of them. Rudra took out his sword. Everyone stepped back. But shockingly they jumped again on him and pulled his sword from him.

They tried to catch the horse but they were unable. They used a spell and the horse was unable to get out of a virtual circle made around it. They caught Rudra and they took him to their place along with the horse.